These days it’s straightforward to have reasonably secure, automatic decryption of your root filesystem at boot time on Debian 12. Here’s how I did it on an existing system which already had a stock kernel, secure boot enabled, grub2 and an encrypted root filesystem with the passphrase in key slot 0. There’s no need to…
Category: Debian
Debian Family
Last week tragedy struck, and I saw the very best of the Debian community at work. I heard first hand testimony about how helpless so many people felt at being physically unable to help their friend. I heard about how they couldn’t bear to leave and had to be ushered away to make space for…
Team Roles and Tuckman’s Model, for Debian teams
When I first moved from being a technical consultant to a manager of other consultants, I took a 5-day course Managing Technical Teams – a bootstrap for managing people within organisations, but with a particular focus on technical people. We do have some particular quirks, after all… Two elements of that course keep coming to…
RCBW 21.9
A recent upload of electrum suffers from the serious bug #981374. On the face of it this is just a missing package dependency: can you help with testing and preparing an updated package to fix this? You don’t need to be a Debian Developer to get stuck into this one!
RCBW 21.1
Does software-properties-common really depend on gnupg, as described in #970124, or could it be python3-software-properties? Should it be Depends, or Recommends? And do you accept the challenge of finding out and preparing a patch (and even an upload) to fix the bug?
We are proud to announce that dak, the Debian Archive Kit, has been replaced by a neural network for processing package uploads and other archive maintenance. All FTP masters and assistants have been re-deployed to concentrate on managing neuraldak. neuraldak is an advanced machine learning algorithm which has been taught about appropriate uploads, can write to maintainers about…
Daisy and George at Debian’s Conference Dinner
Daisy and George have spent the week at the Debian Conference. Tonight is the conference dinner. The menu is more complicated than usual, because it is in both Portuguese and English. Daisy and George have made many friends this week. Dinner is over. It’s time for some serious work.
Too close?
At times of stress I’m prone to topical nightmares, but they are usually fairly mundane – last night, for example, I dreamed that I’d mixed up bullseye and bookworm in one of the announcements of future code names. But Saturday night was a whole different game. Imagine taking a rucksack out of the cupboard under the stairs, and thinking…