These are from November 2007 (I’ve been very lazy about processing them lately) at 18mm/f3.5. They’re literally straight from the camera; I haven’t touched them at all, since I’m on the road.
Beedle the Bard
Amazon are carrying a review of Rowling’s Tales of Beedle the Bard, hand-written and illustrated by her. There are seven copies in the world, and it’s absolutely beautiful.  It’s been a long time since I’ve wanted anything quite so badly, but £2m is one thing I don’t have. Sad.Tatsächlich kann ein Pokerspieler in Turnieren oft frühzeitig…
I parted company with money
A ludicrous amount of it, in fact. But it means I have first call on the flat, assuming my credit check is clean (which it will be, I’m sure).
I went to see a flat
Well, a studio really, but it has a partition to form a bedroom. It was awesome, therefore I am going to the estate agents tomorrow morning, before it disappears to someone else (like last time).
We camped again this week, for probably the last time until next year. It’s just too chilly at night now, and the evenings don’t last long enough to be worth it. Still, we had only a little rain and two very beautiful days, and it was too good an opportunity to miss. Sometimes I surprise…
I’ve spent the evening playing with colour, light and the self: (into the light from over my shoulder, hand-held, late afternoon) (into the light again, from the kitchen into the back garden, on the timer, early evening)
Regaining my independence
I’m finally picking up the car tonight, after waiting since the beginning of the year to be earning enough. It’s a red Citroen AX, and it’s nearly as old as me, but I’m assured it still goes. I’ll post some proper photos when I get it home.
Normality is a perfection we strive to create based on events of the past which have no meaning in the future.