Two years, give or take a few weeks, is roughly the time required to prepare a new stable release since Sarge in 2005 (source:Â A Spring release has also been a pretty stable pattern during that time. Debian often has a reputation for being very slow to release (in terms of cadence), or for freezes…
Jessie Countdown: 3
Three is the new number for continuing oldstable security support: thanks to the efforts of those behind the Long-Term Support initiative, the full stable lifecycle of a release has therefore become five years (source:Â Where do those numbers come from? 2 years as stable, 1 year overlap support as oldstable, plus 2 new years under…
Tube in a Day
For some reason, I’ve decided that gallivanting around the London Underground for the day one Saturday is a fine way to raise money for a local children’s hospice. You’d make my day by supporting us – we aren’t deducting expenses from pledges, so there’s no penalty to the charity for our travel. We’re going to…
Jessie Countdown: 4
Four architectures – types of computing device that you can use to run Debian – didn’t make it through architecture qualification for Jessie and won’t be part of the official stable release this weekend. It’s always difficult to see architectures go, particularly when there is still a community interested in maintaining support for them. Nevertheless,…
Jessie Countdown: 5
Five contributors became uploading Debian Developers so far in 2015 (source:Â
I like how reminds me of things I used to have time for, and motivates me to find some for them.
Never too late for bug-squashing
With over a hundred RC bugs still outstanding for Jessie, there’s never been a better time to host a bug-squashing party in your local area. Here’s how I do it. At home is fine, if you don’t mind guests. You don’t need to seek out a sponsor and borrow or hire office space. If there…
Alcester BSP, day three
We have had a rather more successful weekend then I feared, as you can see from our log on the wiki page. Steve reproduced and wrote patches for several installer/bootloader bugs, and Neil and I spent significant time in a maze of twisty zope packages (we have managed to provide more diagnostics on the bug,…
Alcester BSP, day two
Neil has abandoned his reputation as an RM machine, and instead concentrated on making the delayed queue as long as he can. I’m reliably informed that it’s now at a 3-year high. Steve is delighted that his reigning-in work is finally having an effect.
Alcester BSP, day one
Perhaps I should say evening one, since we didn’t get going until nine or so. I have mostly been processing unblocks – 13 in all. We have a delayed upload and a downgrade in the pipeline, plus a tested diff for Django. Predictably, Neil had the one and only removal request so far.